Does Honda hate ST Owners?

Bit we also have that itty-bitty expanse of Alaska, too... and "some" of that is a tad inhospitable as well. At least for riding, and for water skiing behind a boat.
In the end, though, I remember someone was once telling me "size doesn't matter", but I don't recall the context...
There are 4.19 million miles of paved roads in the US alone. I'll let you know when I'm done riding them all.

Also it's been 3 hours since I rode into a remote part of ALABAMA! and had no cell signal to send a text.

And yes Honda hates ST owners, but only the people with the red white blue and silver ST's.

Edit, link if it makes any diff.

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Guess we must have an itty-bitty yet considerable difference of opinion. ;)

Why ever would you say that?
I agreed with you about our respective land masses.
I agreed with you about the cell coverage.
I agreed with you about the still remaining remoteness.
The Europe thing was in jest.

Is there something else that you want me to agree with you on, or is this a Tom thing and all three of them are wading in before agreeing amongst themselves.
All three Tom's agree they were also itty-bittily sarcasticly jesting considering your use of considerable as a comparison/ estimation. ;)

Mea Culpa. :)

I guess this all means that Mother Honda neither hates nor loves ST owners! She is just absolutely indifferent!:rofl1:
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