Tracer 900 GT

Coop if you survived a Kawasaki H1 mklll you are probably invincible. 30.4 cu in of pure adrenaline fueled madness.
Enjoy your 900. And if you want her to change the locks by a H1.
That Kawasaki was one scary bike and I didn't want to ride it, but the owner kept nagging. Maybe he wanted to ride my DT-1.
Congrats on the new ride, Coop!

That ammo can storage you built is pretty awesome Pat. All the lights are led except the turn signals. How hard would the conversion be?
LED conversion is pretty simple. There are connectors available to make it "plug-n-play", but it is nearly impossible to find any aftermarket ones for the front that have running (low) and turn (high) functions. I opted for some inexpensive ones from Amazon, along with adapter/spacers, "Blinker Genies" and an LED Blinker Relay which eliminates the need to add resistors to the mess. I did have to shave off a bit of the stems to make them fit (a few seconds with the dremel).



Blinker Genies for Yamaha:

LED Blinker Relay:
Congrats on the new ride, Coop!

LED conversion is pretty simple. There are connectors available to make it "plug-n-play", but it is nearly impossible to find any aftermarket ones for the front that have running (low) and turn (high) functions. I opted for some inexpensive ones from Amazon, along with adapter/spacers, "Blinker Genies" and an LED Blinker Relay which eliminates the need to add resistors to the mess. I did have to shave off a bit of the stems to make them fit (a few seconds with the dremel).



Blinker Genies for Yamaha:

LED Blinker Relay:
Taking the seats off gives me a dose of anxiety. Even the battery is buried under there.
I don't know if it's becoming more familiar with the throttle or what, but since the service my take offs have been a lot smoother. Does anyone know how far off the speedometer is?
I don't know if it's becoming more familiar with the throttle or what, but since the service my take offs have been a lot smoother. Does anyone know how far off the speedometer is?
Using the GPS it's about even or 1 mph off
Using the GPS it's about even or 1 mph off
Wow! Are you listening Honda?
I did a practice ride to Nocona on the Interstate to Nowhere and can't get this stupid grin off my face. The seat is awesome.....listening Honda? I'm not sure this happens, but wearing my fitbit on the bike gives some big numbers. It says I walked 102 miles and I'm not even tired. There is not enough guilt on the planet to get me to actually do the 254 elevations it said I did. LOL!
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Wow! Are you listening Honda?
I did a practice ride to Nocona on the Interstate to Nowhere and can't get this stupid grin off my face. The seat is awesome.....listening Honda? I'm not sure this happens, but wearing my fitbit on the bike gives some big numbers. It says I walked 102 miles and I'm not even tired. There is not enough guilt on the planet to get me to actually do the 254 elevations it said I did. LOL!
Ya gotta go to an Apple watch, Coop if your feeling guilty :rofl1:
It's great to see that your back ridding. I haven't seen you since Moonshine about 6-7 years ago.

And congrats on the new Tracer.
Although I have ridden one before, I'm signed up for the local Yammy demo day on Thursday, taking the Tracer GT for a spin just to convince myself I want one, like I need convincing, but this is a longer term plan...
Well, I finally got the Zumo hardwired. The garage is too hot so I put a card table on the front porch and started disassembling things. I have always been a klutz, but more so now. Anyway the first disaster was losing one of those 5mm bolts that hold the screen adjuster on. I look for it for half a lifetime then go ask Anita to find it for me. In five minutes I have my bolt back. She goes back to her project and I continue disassembling. I get the zumo wired and the reassembly begins. After putting the plastic back on I realize I have left the plate off that the adjuster bolts to. Auggg! Pull the plastic back off and ding a push rivet falls into the black hole. Anita honey could you find my push rivet? Two minute later with rivet in hand, I thank her again and start putting the darned plate back on. No more disasters and the job is finished. This is the reason I had so many push rivet and screws when I sold the ST. I had at least one of everything it took to put the plastic on and lift the tank. Usually it was five of each. Does anyone remember the Indian guy in Little Abner? The one with the rain cloud over his head all the time. Joe Bl......
I could see one of these gracing the Man Cave at some point. They've done a good job updating the visuals over the previous model, but I agree that the current Yamaha design language is a bit too edgy. Personally I can't imagine looking back in 20 years time and saying, "remember that Yamaha Tracer 900? Now there was a great looking bike!"
I think back 50 years and realize a Quicksilver Fairing was cool.
I have a 2016 Tracer ( FJ-09 in US) that I have had from new.
Really love the bike . The low weight is fantastic. I have done nearly 40,000 kms and no trouble. I have had ECU flash that inslude cruise control this has made it much more ride-able given it much better fueling at low speed that was awful before. The screen is poor I have fitted a wind deflector that has made things more pleasant . I have also upgraded suspension as the early ones suffered from very poor damping. The bike is sorted for me now and I intend to keep it many years.

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Super tenere or tracer 900? thinking of upgrading to more power from my faultless vstrom 650, am I crazy? ST1100 is sold now, just wasn't using her anymore but I do miss that smooth V4 power and shaft drive.
Hmmmm... tough one... you need to test ride both and see how they feel.
I have a 2016 Tracer ( FJ-09 in US) that I have had from new.
Really love the bike . The low weight is fantastic. I have done nearly 40,000 kms and no trouble. I have had ECU flash that inslude cruise control this has made it much more ride-able given it much better fueling at low speed that was awful before. The screen is poor I have fitted a wind deflector that has made things more pleasant . I have also upgraded suspension as the early ones suffered from very poor damping. The bike is sorted for me now and I intend to keep it many years.


My son has same bike. Has about 14K miles on it I think. He just bought an MT-10 and this one is now for sale

My son has same bike. Has about 14K miles on it I think. He just bought an MT-10 and this one is now for sale

That's an fj-09 so while close, not exactly the tracer-900-gt, but a good way to get something real close.
Super tenere or tracer 900? thinking of upgrading to more power from my faultless vstrom 650, am I crazy? ST1100 is sold now, just wasn't using her anymore but I do miss that smooth V4 power and shaft drive.

If you're missing the shaft drive, I'd think that the Super Ten would be the choice.
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