Tragic loss of ST rider-Bill Galarneau

Re: Tragic loss of ST rider

Gruuvy and I heard this one from Mary, his wife, yesterday. A little while ago, she was balancing their checkbook and noticed a paypal payment. Knowing Bill, she called and asked what he had bought for his ST. Bill laughed said it was her Mother's Day gift. Shortly after Bill passed, a box arrived. Billy, Bill's son, said "Hey, Mom. I think this is your mother's day gift." They opened the box to find a Stuff Stopper for the ST. :crackup

I never visit this part of the site, but did today for some reason.

This is the saddest kind of thread but it really is great to see all the positive things said about Bill.

Sounds like he was a great guy. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I'm sure we would have had some laughs he sounds just like the kind of guy I could call a friend.

It's too bad he never got to install Mary's mothers day gift ;) I'm sure he was a good dad and husband and would have made it up to Mary.

God bless you and keep you Bill. Comfort your family and friends and rest assured they and us too will join you in a reunion one day.

Untill then enjoy all the riding ,farkling and pie you can stand.
Re: Tragic loss of ST rider

I.......It's too bad he never got to install Mary's mothers day gift ;) I'm sure he was a good dad and husband and would have made it up to Mary...........

Mary was all smiles when she mentioned it. As I understand it, Bill was not the forgetfull type, he just preferred to wait till the last minute. :D
Re: Tragic loss of ST rider

ha ha ...boy thats the truth...somewhere around the beginning of Feb the UPS guy showed up at the house...Bill was in the garage farting around with his bike and all he heard was...

"that better be my valenitnes day present and not another toy for your bike or youre in BIG TROUBLE buddy!!!"

Re: Tragic loss of ST rider

Really sad to hear this - leaves one kind of speechless. :(

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